The Commonwealth Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (CAYE) Pacific

CAYE Pacific is dedicated to empowering young entrepreneurs within the Commonwealth of Nations Pacific region through our distinctive approach to volunteer work. Our organisation stands apart from other youth organisations in the region by focusing on policy analysis and recommendations for improvement to governments and administrations, serving as a vital hub for accessing information, services and support, as well as connecting innovative and deserving young entrepreneurs in the region to local and international recognition events.

CAYE Pacific prides itself on being a youth-led organisation. We firmly believe that young entrepreneurs should have a leading voice in shaping their own future. We actively engage young people in decision-making processes, enabling them to drive the direction of our organisation and initiatives. Our commitment to inclusivity ensures that all young entrepreneurs, regardless of their background, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status, feel welcomed and supported within our community. We strive to create an environment that celebrates diversity, fosters collaboration and empowers youth to unlock their full potential.

The primary motivation for establishing CAYE Pacific was the recognition that the Pacific lacked a dedicated network that represented young entrepreneurs across all eleven Commonwealth countries in the region. This gap in representation meant that the unique challenges, aspirations and opportunities of our young entrepreneurs were not adequately addressed or amplified on a regional or international level.

As a result of the above, young volunteers from the Pacific region were inspired to create the network to contribute to the Commonwealth’s 2023 Year of Youth (YoY).

In line with YoY objectives, CAYE Pacific aims to provide a platform to:

  • Increase access to knowledge resources to support the enabling environment for youth empowerment and development, including youth development toolkits, guides and policy research;
  • Increasing meaningful youth participation and fostering conditions for young people to be seen as development partners to economic and entrepreneurship solutions; and
  • Promote increased collaboration, partnership and knowledge exchange among Commonwealth youth development partners including Member States, Commonwealth youth networks and Commonwealth Accredited Organisations.

Creation of the Network

The primary motivation for establishing CAYE Pacific was the recognition that the Pacific lacked a dedicated network that represented young entrepreneurs across all eleven Commonwealth countries in the region. This gap in representation meant that the unique challenges, aspirations and opportunities of our young entrepreneurs were not adequately addressed or amplified on a regional or international level. CAYE Pacific emerged as a response to this gap, aiming to provide a platform specifically tailored to the needs of youth entrepreneurs in the Pacific, fostering collaboration and empowering their voices.

New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Solomon Islands

The Commonwealth Year of Youth’s mission

The Commonwealth Year of Youth’s mission will be achieved through accomplishing the following aims:


Energise the inclusive participation of young people and youth partners throughout the Commonwealth to celebrate the contributions of young people and deliver a wideranging programme of activities.


Empower young people by building their capacities for leadership, collaboration and co-creation of inclusive solutions to address challenges in development, democracy, diversity and peace.


Envision a renewed Commonwealth championed by young people creating a common agenda.


Engage key decision-makers and partners to increase investment in creating an enabling environment for youth empowerment through a revitalised Commonwealth Youth Programme and strengthened youth-led networks and initiatives.